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ANCA launches a step-change in the robot teaching process with RoboTeach

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Until now, teaching of the Fanuc Robot (200iD) on RoboMate could be both time consuming and labour intensive. Furthermore, accuracy could vary depending on the user conducting the teaching. To solve this problem, ANCA has released RoboTeach, a product that automates the teaching of the RoboMate Fanuc 200iD robots on our MX and TX machine platforms. Operators no longer need to be experts in Fanuc programming to teach RoboMate, because RoboTeach is now the interface between the operator and the Robot.

RoboTeach works by using the high accuracy of the grinding machine to measure the robot position, and then calibrate the robot. The robot position is measured using an electrical contact touch probe held in the robot gripper, and a sphere held in the machine collet adaptor.
Shows the teaching of the teach pallet

A series of instructions on the operator screen guide the user on how to teach the Fanuc robot using ANCA Loadermate software. The easy to follow instructions ensure the operator can quickly teach the Robot and includes teaching of the grippers, pallets and to the collet.
The RoboTeach product consists of a software option and teach tooling kit. The teach tooling kit is supplied in a compact carry case which contains the relevant teach tools.
RoboTeach teach tooling kit

The RoboTeach solution saves time and money by reducing setup and teaching time. RoboTeach will ensure consistency during the teaching process and enables customers to increase their production output and maximise productivity.

RoboTeach teaching capability

The features that can be taught using RoboTeach are as follows:
  • Teaching the gripper tool centre points (TCPs)
  • Setting the gripper tool frame orientation angles
  • Teaching the collet position
  • Teaching the pallets (which are called userframes)
  • Teaching the userframes Z offset height

Key Benefits

  •  Reduction of manual intervention during the teaching process
  • Reduction of time taken to teach the Robot from several hours to under 30 minutes
  • Reduction of set up time achieving cost savings
  • Consistent teaching of the robot to improve grinding accuracy
  • Increases productivity and reduces downtime
  • Significant improvements of the end to end process for teaching the Robot
  • Operators do not need to be an expert in Fanuc programming to teach the Robot


Download RoboTeach flyer


2 October 2016