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Tip 8 - Complex Parameters

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In today’s #ToolTipTuesday we will show you how complex parameters can be applied in our ToolRoom software. A complex parameter is one that you can optionally vary along the length it is applied to, instead of being restricted to just a constant value. Parameters with this ability have a Sigma (Σ) symbol next to their input field as shown in the example. Clicking on the Σ symbol displays a dialog box which allows complex specification of the parameter – similar to using ANCA’s Variable Helix Wizard, for those who are familiar with it. For example, instead of a constant Fluting feedrate, this can be specified as: 1) A linear changing feedrate from EOT to Shank 2) A constant feedrate all the way with reduction towards the shank 3) Arbitrarily as a spline function. The image in our example shows the feedrate specified as spline function where we can control feedrate per step and another reduction while approaching the shank. This ability is also available for some of the OD land width parameters in OD finish cycles to control land width, specially on taper tools.


22 November 2018