E-Sharp News
August 2021
ANCA’s 1000th FX5 Linear finds a home in China’s “Grinding Town”
Chinese company Changzhou XiXiashu was the lucky recipient of ANCA’s 1000th FX5 Linear, the first of the recently upgraded model to feature a powerful 12kW grinding spindle. The anniversary machine is one of the three brand-new FX5 Linear additions this innovative company, which started as a small family business in 2011, has invested in.
Changzhou XiXiashu is one of the leading companies in the XiXiashu tool grinding hub in the north of Shanghai. With more than 800 cutting tool businesses located in this small town, that has a total population of less than 45,000 and an area of 51 sq km, the area has become known as China’s “Grinding Town”.
Changzhou Xixiashu Tool secured investment from the Xixiashu Town government in 2015. In addition to their core business of cutting tool manufacture, they work closely with the Xixiashu government to provide technical and financing support to all the tooling companies in the town.
Changzhou’s product portfolio ranges from small tools starting from 3mm up to 20mm in diameter for a wide range of applications in general machining, aerospace and the 3C industry. The company is no stranger to ANCA, with three ANCA machines (two FX7s and one MX5) in their factory as well as grinding machines from other manufacturers. The delivery and installation of the new three FX5 Linear machines have seen the company increase the capacity and capabilities of their ANCA range.

Changzhou XiXiashu has consistently chosen machines with higher spindle power, like the FX7 with 19kW and the MX5 with 26kW. The power boosted FX5 Linear, which boasts a new 12kW spindle, is a highly suitable product to complement their existing machines, and to meet their productivity requirements. The upgraded FX5 also offers flexibility beyond a smaller range of tools.
Changzhou manager, Mr Qi said: “The newly upgraded FX5 Linear delivers the best productivity and versatility for tool diameters up to 10mm, while our FX7s and MX5 continue to produce larger tools. This mix of FX machines with a 12kW or with the even more powerful upgrade option of 19kW provides us with the best options for our production requirements.”

The 1000th FX5 machine was fitted with a commemorative plaque, and was delivered and installed in November 2020. It is currently operating as one of Changzhou’s six ANCA machines which they run continually six days a week.
China Branch Manager Denny Zheng said: “The FX5 machine has been one of ANCA’s most popular machines since the launch of the FX machine platform in 2014. The FX5 has proved to be an enormous success for customers in China and on a global scale due to the machines’ superior performance and grinding productivity. ANCA customers have continued to invest and demonstrate their confidence in the FX5 machine with many repeat orders within China over the last seven years.”
Changzhou XiXiashu is one of more than 400 companies who continue to invest in ANCA technology in China. Mr Qi confirms: “ANCA is the strongest industry partner, supplying superior tool grinding machines.” ANCA’s popular FX platform is helping this emerging company to continue to grow their business.
12 August 2021