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Reduced tool design time

so you can start grinding faster

Revamped SPC Charts

collects tool production data in real time

Improved cycle time

means increased production and more profits

Elevating productivity and profitability.

Unlock the full potential of your manufacturing operations with the latest release of ToolRoom RN35. Designed with a keen focus on maximizing productivity, optimizing performance, and enhancing the user experience, this release promises to revolutionize your tool production process.

ToolRoom RN35

The primary goal of ToolRoom RN35 is to streamline operations and drive efficiency gains across the board. With advanced features tailored to optimizing feedrate, improving cycle time, and extending wheel life, manufacturers can expect a significant boost in productivity without compromising on quality.

Exciting new features in RN35

This feature is the seamless integration of the Q (material removal rate, or MRR) and Q’ (specific material removal rate) feature in CIM3D v9.0 into ToolRoom. Customers can achieve a constant material removal rate by automatically setting parameters like feedrates with feedrate optimisation feature. This feature is also combined with air-time reduction to eliminate any unwanted air-grinding to achieve improved cycletimes.
Statistical process control (SPC) is statistical analysis and evaluation of manufactured part characteristics, enabling system and production monitoring. This package can be used to collect tool production data in real time. The application is separated into SPC charts basic and SPC service advanced.
A new feature has been added to the existing flute from solid operation to allow users to have better control of the hook/rake angle along the profile of the tool. This will give uniform hook angle along the trajectory of the cutting edge and improve tool life. Some of the user cases include Barrel shaped forms, taper tools, Formed step tools, Christmas tree cutters etc. The core diameter and shape are still maintained as per design
A new function has been added to the i3DG options dialog that allows the current 3D model to be ‘frozen’, meaning that a duplicate model will be added to the scene. This may be useful when making parameter changes to compare the new simulated geometry against a baseline. The frozen duplicate may be offset from the current simulation, and can be made transparent.

New functions have been added to perform measurement in the i3DG simulation. Measurement points can be placed on the 3D model by holding ALT while selecting a point with the mouse or touchscreen.
A new and easy way to define and modify profiles has been added to the profile editor.
  • Quick and easy to use the new free form drawing tool to sketch out the rough shape of the profile
  • Select an element and dimension markers will automatically appear
  • Toggle between definition modes to show different dimensions
  • Click the dimension text to modify
  • Use Fix breaks in profile to close gaps if required.
Multi-relief mode has been added to the od finish operation. In this mode relief the number of reliefs is unlimited, and the angle and land width can be defined in a table.
The ballnose, corner radius, double corner radius, and barrel shaped ballnose tooltypes feature a tab “cutting edges” on their main worksheet.

On this tab is a 3D view to visualize the cutting edges, defined by the parameters on that page. A button has been added to the 3D view to allow import of a 3D model from a VRML file. The model can then be used as a guide when setting parameter values. An option is available to fine tune the position to match models where required.
New segment compensation method is available in laserultra profile to compensate lines and arcs, in which the profile geometry is compensated retaining the segment geometry type with following limitations:

1. Only applied on profile with lines and arcs
2. The profile shall start and end with line segments
3. All the arcs in the profile shall be fillet arcs, i.e., tangentially connected to the neighbouring line segments
A major enhancement has been added for dcrem tooltypes with a wizard style to support different endface styles. The endface styles include dished, lens and dished lens endface.
A new function has been added to the grind menu to allow more fine[1]grained control of whether an operation will take part in grinding or simulation or dry run. For example, it may be desirable to include a fluting operation for the sake of a better-looking simulation even if it will not be performed during regrinding.
  • It is now possible to launch the Variable Helix Wizard via a new button that appears next to the helix or lead fields on the common parameters panel. 
  • The OD Backoff step sections in the Step Editor operation now supports constant helix OD type. 
  • The EOT and Shank Rolled Relief step sections in the Step Editor operation now supports constant helix OD type. 
  • The display of tool-offset and wheel-offset is now in a worksheet, rather than the previous dialog window, to allow interaction with the i3DG simulation while edits are made. 
  • Addition of Internal Turning Wizard purchase option. The wizard can be used to create internal boring, chamfering, grooving, and threading tools. Each internal turning tool includes an associated tool type. This feature also introduced several new grinding operations for internal turning tools including Cross Section Necking, Cross Section Chamfer, Coolant Groove, and OD Corner End Periphery. 
  • Four new tool types have been added for insert grinding within iGrind: Ballnose Insert, Corner Radius Insert, Spade Drill Insert, and Profile Insert. 
  • A new option has been added to the Complex Value Wizard to define a sinusoidal function that will transition between a specified start and end value. 
  • Added support for variable flute spacing to the Rolled EOT operation. Also added option to specify the relief as a drop over a segment angle. 
  • A function has been added to the Step Editor to visualize the hook compensation that has been applied to a profile step section. This can be used to help identify issues such incorrect probing in the hook digitizing operation. 
  • Added Single-U and Double-U endface geometries to iPunch software. These geometries can be ground on any punch shape but can only be ground using a 1A1 wheel. The radius of the 1A1 wheel must be smaller than the U radius. 
  • Enhancements are added to the existing Size Control operation in iPunch to eliminate probing errors caused by thermal instability. This includes multiple probe touches, top and bottom probing and top then rotate to bottom probing. 
  • Added functionality to skip arbour orientation on a per-wheelpack basis for FX7 machines. This allows Spindle Speeder arbours to be used alongside the arbour orientation feature. Note that this feature is hidden by default and must be manually enabled on a per-machine basis if required.

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