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FX Linear Range
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Tap Grinding
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Gear Tool Grinding
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Collet Adaptors
Cooling Lines
Gear Cutter Software
Tool Measurement
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Wire EDM Dresser
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Wheel Arbors
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Takeda Industries takes on regrinding and manufacturing with ANCA FX5 Linear
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CIM3D V9: A comprehensive comparison of Basic and Advanced Versions
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ANCA implements process optimisations and work simplifications with EDM Dressing
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January 2025
The secret to increasing the productivity of CNC machines
ANCA implements process optimisations and work simplifications with EDM Dressing
Custom tool maker successfully transplants expertise to surgical instruments
November 2024
Achieve superior tap quality with TapX’s new dressing system and AEMS
ANCA’s peel grinding solution: From blank to finished tool in a single setup on the MX7 platform
FRAISA streamlines regrinding process with ANCA-ZOLLER data exchange, cutting idle time by 20%
October 2024
The future of the cutting tool industry
Eliminate thermal growth and produce the perfect tap with ANCA's Motor Temperature Control (MTC)
Werkzeugschleiferei Krämer GmbH wins top prize at 2024 ANCA Tool of the Year Awards for excellence i
August 2024
Soaring into success in the aerospace industry with ANCA’s TX Linear
Take control of your costs by controlling coolant with ANCA’s TapX
Semi-finished product manufacturer PREMEX masters diversity and expands portfolio towards skiving wi
July 2024
ANCA's Redax offers a powerful and user-friendly solution for machine monitoring in the tool grindin
Machine man reflects on 50 years in a challenging but rewarding field
Growing together in productivity and precision—Gorilla Mill & ANCA
June 2024
ANCA's ToolRoom Update 137.00 Introduces Enhanced DCREM Tools with Cost and Time Saving Benefits
Why ANCA’s AIMS AutoComp is your secret weapon for effortless manufacturing of best quality tools
Sophisticated dental burrs and the machines that make them
March 2024
ANCA expands its global footprint opening a new Technology Centre in Korea
How ANCA’s MTC transforms thermal control in machining
GKN’s smart moves to take tool grinding in-house
February 2024
Grind smart: 7 tips for energy-efficient grinding practices
ANCA's 50 years of innovation culminate in a turnkey power skiving solution
Aerospace Supplier Brings Tooling Production In-House and Saves $200k per Year
November 2023
ANCA’s new TapX compensating chuck reduces changeover times from half a day down to under an hour
From the 1968 to the 2023 Apprentice of the Year: ANCA’s Daniel Malone wins at the 2023 Victorian Ma
How ANCA is elevating cutting tool manufacturing in India
September 2023
Edmund Boland appointed as General Manager of ANCA CNC Machines, bringing 15 years of dedication and
Get the tool right, right from the first tool
SILMAX and ANCA forge a legacy of innovation and uncompromising quality
July 2023
FABA embraces integrated manufacturing with AIMS, reducing labour costs by 60%
Building a smart factory requires a smart approach
ANCA TapX: A customised grinding solution for tap manufacture
June 2023
ANCA TX Linear leads the way in tackling long drill production challenges
The invisible tech that delivers real results: the benefits of effector offsets and soft axes
Short run tool shop has long history of success
May 2023
Rethink regrinding with RFID
Why automated laser marking for tools is your new secret weapon
Zhuzhou Huaxin uses ANCA technology to cement its position as a top manufacturer of cemented carbid
April 2023
Beat them to the punch with ANCA TX7 and TXcell Linear
The secrets to implementing lights-out machining
How ANCA’s “shockingly easy” RFID solution increases productivity and efficiency at Carbitools
March 2023
One-step production with ANCA's automated blanket grinding solution
Six ways to make sure your manufacturing business is cyber-secure
ANCA’s robust machines make the perfect cut for Chennai-based company MSTM
February 2023
Carving a niche through custom tooling
How AIMS improves safety for tool manufacturers
Sincerity is the key: ANCA and Xiamen Golden Egret work together for growth
December 2022
ANCA launches its premium, next generation machine range to produce the highest accuracy and quality
ANCA’s grinding technology offers India-based SST Cutting Tools a high-precision boost
Time-saving, easy and flexible: why the GDS µGrind ANCA workholding is a smart investment
November 2022
No Simple Tool - Mexican cutting tool manufacturer SJ Tools wins #ANCATooloftheYear2022 for a cuttin
Australian manufacturer The Edge Equine finds its niche in equine dental products using ANCA’s FX ma
The Tailstock Support provides flexibility in grinding a variety of long series blanks on the ANCA C
October 2022
ANCA’s co-founders enter the Manufacturing Hall of Fame as recognition and celebration of their serv
Fixed Grind Point Support on ANCA’s CPX Blank Grinder delivers higher productivity
30 years of partnership: Schnebelt Präzision and ANCA forged a winning relationship through technolo
September 2022
ANCACrete polymer concrete base: a proven ANCA strength
A fine balancing act: how to correctly balance grinding wheels on an ANCA machine
Mexican cutting tool manufacturer Thummin Simhec takes an affordable first step into CNC grinding fo
August 2022
ANCA’s new CPX In-Process OD Measurement System achieves even tighter tolerances during lights-out p
World leading CNC grinding manufacturer, ANCA opens a sales and service technology centre in Nagoya,
ANCA’s insert grinding solution for the MX machine platform helps tool manufacturers gain an edge in
June 2022
ANCA‘s first working demonstration of AIMS integrated manufacturing debuted at GrindingHub in German
Grinding Process Analysis based on Material Removal Rate
Swiss tool maker Fraisa invest in automation to reduce production costs by 50%
May 2022
Neck grinding on long reach necked endmills using ANCA’s CPX Linear blank grinder
The boring tool market gets exciting
From Canada to beyond: family business Clortech flourishes with ANCA technology
March 2022
ANCA to showcase their technology range cutting tool manufacturers need to remain agile, improve qua
Understanding the performance benefits of Grinding Oils
The Pathway to Intelligent Development through a golden partnership between Hei Chow Tools and ANCA
February 2022
ANCA’s FX Linear medical drill application supports tool loading for delicate dental drills
ANCA’s new LaserUltra increases productivity and reduces waste through highly accurate and fast in-p
Marlor invests in ANCA MX7 with RFID technology, taking loading to a new level
January 2022
What types of CNC machines will smart factories demand
Your technical guide to grinding a high performance endmill (part one)
Gorilla Mill grows up with ANCA
December 2021
On the ball with hip implants
Industry-first in-process measurement of skiving cutters on GCX Linear
Cutting tool manufacturer F.O. Select competes successfully in Switzerland by investing in ANCA tech
October 2021
Turkish tool maker Turcar wins both categories at ANCA’s fourth Tool of the Year competition
Lens and Barrel shape tools are now available in ANCA’s latest ToolRoom update, offering more produc
Power Up: how simultaneous high-current and high-frequency has positioned the ANCA EDG as the benchm
August 2021
Insert manufacturing made easy
ANCA to launch AutoMarkX, an automated laser marking system at EMO 2021
Changzhou XiXiashu takes delivery of the new FX5 Linear generation with 12kW spindle upgrade
July 2021
BlankX software provides ultimate flexibility for grinding perfect tool blanks
Cerin SpA, a pioneering Italian cutting tool manufacturer is pushing what is possible, exploring exo
Predictive maintenance is almost here, but does it actually work?
June 2021
Reduce runout with ANCA’s new complete tool runout compensation
World leading chair manufacturer FAMEG invest to produce cutting tools in-house, achieving major pro
Orthopaedic implant grinding takes off as elective surgery resumes
May 2021
On your marks: ANCA’s laser marking options provide time and cost-saving benefits
Siam Natural Energy expands their capabilities with the first CPX Linear in Thailand
Shining a light on the dark factory trend
March 2021
Sharpening skiving cutters for new EV transmissions
Find the right grind
7 ways factory automation will change the way you work
February 2021
Cutting tool measurement and compensation with ANCA and ZOLLER Interface is expanded to meet custome
ANCA’s new era of automation: intelligent solutions for maximising productivity 24/7
A curious company, Mictu is always experimenting with materials to find the best cutting tool soluti
January 2021
ANCA’s new EDG with ANCA Motion SparX Erosion Generator decreases cycle time for PCD tools up to 50%
ARCH Cutting Tools takes out top place in ANCA’s third Tool of the Year competition
Tool grinding service Bachert Werkzeugschleiftechnik are reaping the benefits of ANCA’s new automati
May 2018
Swiss tool maker Fraisa invest in automation to reduce production costs by 50%