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Medical - Bone Rasp

'Femoral bone rasps' are used in the initial process of a medical hip or shoulder replacement. ANCA products can support and grind various teeth patterns, chipbreakers, profiles, sizes and more to meet exacting tolerances required.

'Orthopaedic implants' are manufactured to replace a joint or bone (e.g. knees, hips, shoulders). ANCA products have the grind/mill capability and machine accessories to ensure that the orthopaedic implants produced meet the stringent industry standards.

These complex shapes are ground using ANCam (NX Post Processor), an integration between the 3D CAD software and the machine, allowing maximum flexibility during the design and production process.

ANCA's offline CIM3D simulator allows the operator to set up and check programs prior to grinding on the machine, for reduced scrap and increased machine uptime.