Double corner radius
The double corner radius allows the design of barrel shape or lens shaped tools with larger to smaller or smaller to larger radius from the end of tool. Vibration and deflection are reduced with this style of geometry and the thinner chips that are formed provide longer tool life and enhanced performance.
- Barrel shape – large radius to small towards the end of tool.
- Lens shape – small to larger radius towards the endface.
- Curved endface design.
- Roughing operation for corner radius tools.
Lollipop cutter
A new ToolType is available from the endmill wizard to manufacture lollipop cutters. These cutters are widely used in the aerospace and die mould industries.
- High helix angles for better surface finish and chip removal.
- Shear lollipop for deburring applications.
- Chip breakers for light work and the medical industry.
- Use of iView and LaserPlus for measurement and compensation.
Countersink tool
A new wizard style ToolType has been added for countersink tools to support standard flute and fan gash flute style. The new countersink flute operation can define special flute shapes required for this application.
- Support for RR, LL, RL, LR combinations.
- Relief grinding using step editor sections.
- Supports non-zero shear and upto 6 flutes.
- Automatic CIM3D blank form.
Learn more about this feature by watching our video on Youtube